sábado, 12 de outubro de 2013

Frases aleatórias retiradas diretamente do tumblr que descrevem a minha vida

"you know them moments when you look in the mirror and you think holy shit that’s me  because for some reason it feels like the person you’re looking at in the mirror is an unfamiliar stranger and you begin thinking about how you’re a person on a planet in a solar system in a galaxy in a universe and for a few minutes you ponder the origin and the meaning of existence and then shrug and return to your computer"

“ooooohhh” i say as i still dont understand

"i can feel myself getting angrier everyday i’m either becoming an adult or the incredible hulk"

bridge to terabithia fucked me up

if I had the same body as miley cyrus I’d never wear clothes either

*asks mom if she can buy something for me in september*
"no christmas is coming"

true bonding is when you and your friends are all angry about the same thing

*owns tons of clothes*
*wears same three things*

 when someone says “ten years ago” i think about the 90’s not 2003


NOTA: o blog está renegado para segundo plano porque o primeiro está demasiado ocupado

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